Who am I? I aspire to be a musician...whether or not I currently am seems to be up in the air. I play piano mainly but also cello + pipe organ...I LOVE MUSIC!!!!!!! That's really any music, from Guillaume de Machaut to Lana D[should the 'D' be capitalised?]el Rey - though of course there are many, many outliers (cough, cough, haydn).
Writing: I write - both fiction and non-fiction but the fiction is sort of bad...if I don't think something I have written is suitable for publication, but I'd still like to share it, I'll post it here. In the unlikely event that I do get published somewhere, I'll link to the publication!

Random trivia !!!!!

Personal links

Youtube - here I occasionally post recordings of myself playing piano, if that's of any interest to anyone !!!

Goodreads - I'm quite a slow reader but I like looking at Goodreads for recommendations so if you add me you might be able to convince me to read one of your faves !!!

Letterboxd - no idea why I even have this, considering I rarely watch films but whatever

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